Things I Wish I had Known

Told by an probably underqualified freshman(at the time of writing)

As someone coming out of middle school there will be a range of skills that other people have. Each person is really unique so giving advice can be hard when I don't know where you are at in regards to the several types of maturity or in other criteria. There are however a few things that I wish I could've told my younger self when I was going into freshman year.

Number 1. If you want something, work for it. It seems obvious but you really have to push for the things you want or you wont get them. You have to work to succeed.

Number 2. This one might come earlier for other people but let friends come to you. Maybe not the best advice for some people but still, forcing friednships hardly works out well. The alternative and equally good advice is to surround youself with people you want to be like. People will change you so be around good people.

Number 3. Procrastination gets you nowhere. That's it.

Number 4. Communication is key. If the world lost all means of communication we would collapse so fast. Talking with people and being honest and reasonable almost always works out in your favor.

Number 5. Try to connect with yourself and find something that you really like doing and keep doing it. I don't think i have really found my thing yet and that's okay. Take your time but once you find it persue it.